10 November 2022 - Cleaner Road Run-Off Project


Cassowary Coast Regional Council is proudly supporting the Great Barrier Reef Cleaner Road Run-off project as part of the Reef Councils’ Rescue Plan.

The project seeks to improve water quality outcomes for the Reef by managing the impact of sediment run-off from Council’s unsealed roads across Queensland.

Environmental Portfolio Holder Councillor Jeff Baines said fine sediments are one of the three greatest water quality risks to the Reef, reducing available light to seagrass beds and inshore coral reefs.

“Council is working in partnership with LGAQ and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation to identify innovative designs, maintenance and management practices for the 518 kilometres of unsealed roads in our region.

“Council has a study site at Granadilla Road, El Arish that is currently piloting several innovative management practices to reduce sediment run-off from our roads.

“This ten-kilometre stretch along Granadilla Road provides a good representation of roads across Council’s unsealed road network and will help make an informed decision on how Council manages unsealed roads across the region in the future,” Councillor Baines said.

“Currently installed at the site is a live monitoring rainfall station and water logging equipment which supports the collection of data to model flows and velocities in the drain profiles.

“By being part of the Cleaner Road Run-off program, Cassowary Coast Regional Council is paving the way in identifying new designs and management practices that can be implemented right across Queensland,” Councillor Baines said.

“This could include a strong case for sealing some of our network, noting that the Federal Governments has in the most recent budget made a $1.2 billion commitment to the protection and restoration of the Great Barrier Reef.”

All equipment has been installed at the trial location of Granadilla Road and the project will run until June 2024 with data continuing to be collected during this timeframe.

Council will continue to provide updates as they occur.

For further information contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email enquiries@cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au.