At Local Government Meeting on 15 December 2022, Council endorsed the Concept Designs for the Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation Project.
The Mission Beach Strategic Master Plan underwent both an initial and draft consultation phase in 2018, with common themes and suggestions collated from the feedback to assist with developing the final Mission Beach Strategic Master Plan.
In 2022, Council endorsed the Communication and Engagement for the Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation Project which commenced a number of key engagement practices to ensure Council can deliver on a project that has a shared vision with the community.
Across September and October, Council undertook two phases of community engagement on the Concept Design with over 92 stakeholder interactions during the concept design phase, one Councillor briefing, three community reference group meetings, one community pop-up with 45 people in attendance, five face-to face meetings, and one online meeting.
Division Three Councillor, Trudy Tschui, said it was great to see the community so involved in the engagement process and the feedback and recommendations provided are understood by Council and will be reflected in the detailed design.
“Council has reviewed key considerations and recommendations from the community engagement and are satisfied that these have been considered in the final concept and will be resolved through the detailed design.
“Council aims to deliver a vibrant, liveable and dynamic town centre, with a unique laid back atmosphere, showcasing the natural environment, and through the engagement carried out now have an in-depth understanding of what this means for community.
“The Community and Stakeholder Reference Group provided a number of recommendations for Council’s consideration, including environmental matters (plant species), structure design, form and placement, parking, amenity accesses and initiatives that will support businesses during the construction phase.
“The next phase will be detailed design. Council will provide the detail to address the community’s aspirations as highlighted in the concept design phase.
“Council would like to thank all those who have participated during both phases of engagement.
“Your feedback and time are appreciated and will strengthen the final outcome of this project,” said Councillor Tschui.
Council will look to present the detailed design in April 2023 and will keep the community updated during this process.
To view the full engagement report from both stage one and stage two of consultation or view the final concept designs, please visit yoursay.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/mission-beach-town-centre-revitalisation-project.
For further information contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email enquiries@cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au.