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Innisfail CBD Revitalisation Consultation Commences



Cassowary Coast Regional Council is excited to announce the launch of community engagement on the Innisfail CBD Revitalisation project.

Strategically positioned on the banks of the Johnstone River, with access to incredible natural landscapes and a passionate and connected community, Innisfail has a lot to offer.

Tourism and Economic Development Portfolio Holder, Councillor Renee McLeod said, through physical improvements, events and activity, there is an opportunity to revitalise our CBD, encouraging people to stop, spend time and, in-turn, contribute to the local economy.

“Council needs your help to understand our community’s ideas and vision for the Innisfail CBD.

“This engagement progresses the ideas and aspirations captured by the community and Council through the development of the 2018 Innisfail Master Plan. The Master Plan remains a valuable document with many great ideas for the town’s future.”

Councillor McLeod said Council is now ready to revisit and further progress this master plan to ensure it provides a clear and ground-truthed roadmap for future investment in the town.

“As with all places, Innisfail’s revitalisation will require support from all of us. There is a role for everyone in our community to play. This process will explore how our businesses, local residents, community groups and youth can work collaboratively to assist in delivering a shared vision to revitalise Innisfail,” said Councillor McLeod.

Be involved, and let Council know what you love about Innisfail and what you would like to see prioritised in the next 10 years. Council will be holding a Community and Trader Workshop on Wednesday 15 March 2023 from 4:00pm until 6:00pm in the Innisfail Library and we invite you to attend.

Visit for more information, including project key dates.

For further information please contact Council at 1300 763 903 or email

Image caption: Aerial image of the Johnstone River.