Open Space Strategy Phase Two Commenced


Council is developing an Open Space Strategy to guide the future planning, management, and resourcing of our open spaces to improve liveability, community health and wellbeing and use of our open spaces by community members and visitors to our region.

Within Phase One of the Open Space Strategy, Council developed an Open Space Classification and Service Level document and associated potential embellishments for each hierarchy.

Planning and Regional Development Portfolio Holder, Mayor Mark Nolan said Phase Two will focus on consulting with our community to ensure the Hierarchy and Service Standards allocated to our open spaces align with the document and the community’s aspirations.

“The Cassowary Coast has many great open space areas, however, we need to develop a consistent approach to how we service and maintain them.

“Through this Strategy, Council aims to improve facilities at identified regional and district parks, whilst assessing over-supply of open space, local and village parks.

“By having a clear hierarchy and agreed service levels, we will ensure we are servicing, maintaining, and upgrading the spaces that matter to our community,” said Councillor Nolan.

Consultation on the hierarchy and service standards of all open spaces will be open for a three-week period through Council’s your say website at