Level 1 Water Restrictions in Place from Monday 11 November 2024




Cassowary Coast's Level 1 Water Restrictions that have been in place since November 11 have been lifted thanks to recent rainfall in all of our catchments. Thank you for your efforts to minimise water usage over this period.





Due to recent warmer weather and increased consumption, Level 1 water restrictions are in place on the Cassowary Coast from Monday 11 November. These restrictions apply to all private, commercial and industrial sectors across the region unless otherwise noted.

Private Gardens and Lawns:

No watering on Mondays.

  • Odd-numbered properties may use sprinklers on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 6–8 AM and 6–8 PM.
  • Even-numbered properties may use sprinklers on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays from 6–8 AM and 6–8 PM.
  • Hand-held hoses with trigger nozzles, buckets, and watering cans may be used at any time.
  • Topping up ponds is allowed; fountains may operate only with recycled water.

Vehicle and Boat Cleaning:

Washing is permitted with buckets or watering cans, while trigger hoses may be used for rinsing only.

Food transport vehicles may be cleaned with a trigger hose, and boat motors may be flushed as necessary.

Pools and Spas:

  • Existing pools and spas can be topped up within permitted watering times.

Additional Restrictions:

  • Farm Dams and Tanks: Topping up is only allowed for fire-fighting, public health, or stock watering purposes, with Council approval as required.
  • Mobile Tankers: Filling permitted from 8 AM to 8 PM with Council approval or when supplying water for essential services.
  • Construction Industry: Trigger hoses allowed; other water uses require written Council permission.
  • Sports Grounds: Active playing areas may use sprinklers from 5 PM to 10 AM daily. Non-active areas may be watered on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays within the same hours.


Your cooperation in preserving our valuable water resources is appreciated. For full details or to request an exemption, visit our websitecassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/water-restrictions