
In readiness for Tropical Cyclone Jasper, the Cassowary Coast Regional Council’s Disaster Coordination Centre has been activated.

The Disaster Centre will maintain communications with emergency services through liaison officers provided by the Police, Ambulance, Fire, and State Emergency Services. Senior Council staff will provide technical expertise. 

Chair of the Cassowary Coast Local Disaster Management Group and Cassowary Coast Mayor Mark Nolan today advised that the Disaster Coordination Centre is fully equipped and staffed by council employees who are ready to help the community.

“The Disaster Centre brings all emergency services together in one control room where critical support can be coordinated,’’ Mayor Nolan said.

“As the base for our Local Disaster Management Group, this is where we’ll issue daily situation reports according to the information being received in real time.

“The Disaster Centre will remain active until calls for assistance have been actioned and the threat level de-escalates.”

The community is advised to phone the Disaster Coordination Centre on 1300 188 505 under the following circumstances:

  • To report situations of damage to community infrastructure
  • To advise of a need to respond to a non-urgent situation
  • Other non-urgent storm related observations that require response

For emergency assistance call Triple Zero (000).

For flood and storm assistance, and to report damage to property call SES on 132 500.

Other important numbers to consider before calling the Disaster Centre include:

  • Power Lines Down: 13 16 70
  • Power Failures: 13 22 96
  • Main Road Closures: 13 19 40

For real time emergency news, road conditions, warnings and updates visit

Cassowary Coast Regional Council also advises residents to tune into their local radio station to hear the latest weather reports and updates.


Cassowary Coast waste kerbside collection

  • Tuesday 12 December – no collection
  • Wednesday 13 December – no collection
  • Thursday 14 December – update to be provided

Residents are requested to not place wheelie bins kerbside until wind and weather conditions subside, and collections are due. For those who miss a bin collection this week, all efforts will be made by Council to catch up on lost services as soon as possible.  Once wind and weather conditions subside, residents will be advised to present both bins at the kerb until further notice.

Cassowary Coast Waste Transfer Stations

  • Tuesday 12 December – closed
  • Wednesday 13 December – closed
  • Thursday 14 December – update to be provided

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Customer Service Centres

  • Tuesday 12 December – closed
  • Wednesday 13 December – closed
  • Thursday 14 December – update to be provided

Council’s customer service phoneline and email will still be available to take enquiries, however all customers are urged to postpone all non-urgent Council business to next week.

Cassowary Coast Libraries

  • Tuesday 12 December – closed
  • Wednesday 13 December – closed
  • Thursday 14 December – update to be provided

December Local Government Meeting

  • Postponed to 10:30am, Friday 15 December

Community members are asked to follow Council’s communication channels for updates on the return of operations and recovery information:

For Council-related operational enquiries call 1300 763 903 or email

And a reminder, for real time emergency news, road conditions, warnings and updates visit

Council thanks community members for their understanding and hopes that everyone stays safe over the coming days. 

Remember, if it’s flooded, forget it.