
The Cassowary Coast Regional Council has reaffirmed its support for local agribusinesses and peak industry bodies by reallocating $10,000 to contribute to the aerial shooting of feral pigs.

Already this season, the Innisfail Cane Growers have reported over half a million dollars worth of damage to crops due to feral pig activity. Agribusiness representatives are calling for further assistance to combat feral animals within our region.

Environment portfolio holder and Chair of the Cassowary Coast’s Feral Pig Executive Oversight Group (FPEOG), Councillor Jeff Baines said the FPEOG recently met to conclude the State-funded project for Panama Tropical Race 4 (TR4) and whilst the project was a success, the group identified the need to continue these projects within the region.

“The program saw the eradication of over 10,000 feral pigs from the region, which has contributed to the reduction in the spread of Panama TR4.

“The remaining funds of the program, approximately $25,000, will be distributed to the Australian Banana Growers’ Council to support a 50:50 aerial shooting program available across banana and cane industries for the entire region.

“Council will contribute an additional $10,000 from the natural environment-operating budget to support peak industry bodies as a co-contribution for a quick knockdown via aerial shooting projects,” said Councillor Baines.  

Joseph Marano, Chairman of Canegrowers Innisfail has been a driving force behind the oversight group and said he is in strong support of the group continuing in 2022.

“Reforming the Feral Animal Executive Oversight Group is a key outcome and is important that Peak Industry Bodies and Council continue to work together to produce favourable outcomes for the region.

“As a group we also need to be considering longer-term projects to support and protect agribusinesses and our regional economy from all feral animals,” said Mr Marano.

Tully banana grower and Australian Banana Growers’ Council Chair Stephen Lowe said continued funding of feral pig eradication in the region was crucial for the Australian banana industry, to help reduce the risk of spreading the serious soil-borne fungal disease Panama TR4.

“Feral pig eradication in the Tully Valley is providing critical protection to our national banana industry, as feral pigs are known to spread Panama TR4,” Mr Lowe said.

“Banana growers, industry and the government have committed significant funding to these efforts over the past five years and if we don’t continue the program we risk feral pig numbers exploding.

“With our $600 million industry in jeopardy from Panama TR4, any additional funding which Council can offer to support current and future feral pig eradication will be greatly welcomed by all growers, but particularly those in the Panama TR4 incursion zone,” said Mr Lowe.

For further information please call Council on 1300 763 903 or via email on