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1 September 2022 - Mission Beach Town Centre: Draft Concept Designs Revealed


Cassowary Coast Regional Council will release draft concept plans for the Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation project next week, inviting community members and stakeholders to view the designs for the upgrade of the Porter Promenade and Village Green area.

The revitalisation project, part of the Mission Beach Masterplan, will renew the look and feel of the Mission Beach Town Centre, and create a thriving space for the local community and visitors to enjoy.

Division Three Councillor, Trudy Tschui, said the draft concept designs amplify the beauty of the region, weaving in elements of the natural environment through seamless design.

“We’re really excited to share these draft concepts with the community and stakeholders.

“The design encapsulates the Mission Beach experience – where the rainforest meets the beach, and provides greater connection between Porter Promenade, the Village Green and Mission Beach foreshore.”

Council will next week appoint a Community and Stakeholder Reference Group (CSRG), following an open Expression of Interest process, with representatives from key stakeholder groups including business traders and operators, property owners and residents, Traditional Owners, community groups and the wider community.

The CSRG will provide a representative voice to Council throughout the design and construction phases of the project.

As part of the engagement process, Council’s project engagement team will be visiting all businesses in the town centre, providing an opportunity to view the draft concept plans and speak directly to the project team.

A community drop-in information session will be held on Friday 16 September, with community members invited to visit any time between 11am and 2pm to view the draft concept designs and hear more about the project. Council’s project engagement team will deliver a presentation on the project at 12pm as part of this.

The draft concept plans will also be made available for viewing online from Monday 12 September 2022 at

The project engagement team has established a dedicated email address, which is the direct line of communication between community members and stakeholders and the project team. Feedback and enquiries on the draft concept plans can be submitted to this email address:  

For more information on the Mission Beach Town Centre Revitalisation project, visit or you can contact the project engagement team at