
This week is Get Ready Queensland Week which means it's time for our community to Get Ready for the upcoming severe weather season.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Mayor and Disaster Committee Chair Mark Nolan is urging the community to complete three simple steps to prepare and protect your household.

The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted wetter than average conditions this year due to warmer waters around Australia.

“Now's the time to prepare your household to protect what matters most and take the pressure off emergency services when disaster hits,” said Mayor Nolan.

Follow the below steps and get your home and family ready for this disaster season:

Step One:

  • The best way to ensure everyone knows what to do and where to go in an emergency is by keeping a Household Emergency Plan. Sit down with your family and make a list of important contacts like family and friends who live out of town, doctors, insurance providers, utility providers; emergency meeting places, and details on where you'd stay if you needed to evacuate quickly.

Step Two:

  • Keep a waterproof kit full of emergency supplies you'd need to last at least three days at home if you were isolated due to flooding. Include plenty of non-perishable food and water; a torch; battery powered radio, toiletries including tissues and hand sanitiser; face masks; disinfectant wipes; spare batteries, gas cooker, medication, and board games to help pass the time.

Step Three:

  • Both renters and homeowners should be covered for disasters and should be familiar with their coverage details. Make sure your home and contents insurance cover is up-to-date and provides adequate cover for your unique needs. Call your insurer if you have any questions about your policy.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – get ready now.

For more information on how to Get Ready, visit www.getready.qld.gov.au/ or contact Council on 1300 763 903 or via email enquiries@ccrc.qld.gov.au.