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Rates Information

Council levies and collects rates to provide services and infrastructure for the community. Rates and charges are determined as part of the annual budget process.

Rates notices are issued six monthly and 30 days are given to pay in full to receive the discount.  Should you be unable to pay the amount in full, please contact Council on 1300 763 903 to discuss a payment arrangement. For more information on recovery of rates processes, you can view Council's Debt Recovery Policy.

Rate Period Issue (approx.) Due
1 January to 30 June End January 14 March 2025 (extended)
1 July to 31 December Early August Early September (approx.)
*Issue dates and due dates vary from year to year. It is the responsibility of the ratepayer to check and pay in full by the due date to receive the discount.

Rates and utility charges are a major part of Council's revenue, with comparitively minor contributions from grants and subsidies, fees and charges, contract work and community housing rental income.  

Council uses a system of differential general rating, applied to all rateable properties in the region in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 and the Local Government Regulation 2012.

For detailed information about the current Budget, rates and charges, please visit Council's Budget Page.

Payment Information

Click here for Payment of Rates information

Council will allow property owners who are unable to pay their rates by the due date to enter into an agreed payment arrangement. Please contact Council’s Rates Section to discuss.

Should rates not be paid in full by the due date, the discount will not be applied.

Ratepayers have the option to make pre-payments in advance to their rate files if they wish.  This can reduce the financial pressure of having to pay a lump sum at once when the notice is issued.

Rates Discount

A discount of 5% will apply to the General Rates only and will be allowed if payment of all rates and charges are received on or before close of business on the last day of the discount period as set out on the rates notice.

Receive your rates notice electronically

Are you already signed up to receive your rates notice by email?

Cassowary Coast Regional Council recently changed provider to EzyBill for issuing emailed rates notices.

If you receive your rates by email, a new account has been set up in EzyBill and an email with your latest rates notice will be sent prompting you to create a new password for this account.  

EzyBill Banner


By offering an alternative way to receive your Rates Notice(s), Council can improve our services while reducing our environmental impact. By choosing to receive your notice electronically, you will be helping to reduce costs and our ecological footprint.

If you opt to receive notices via email, you will receive your Rates Notice(s) on the issue date wherever you are with internet access avoiding postal delays.

There are two ways to make the switch:

button BPAY   EzyBill Button

Rating Concessions

Rating Concession Policy 

Council Rates Forms 

Not for Profit Organisations

Council has a policy relating to rate-based assistance for not-for-profit community, recreation and sporting organisations.

Please read the Rating Concession Policy to assess your eligibility. Please find the link to the Policy above, along with the link to Council’s rates forms. 

Pensioner Concessions

Council offers a maximum of $300 per year for pensioners who meet the eligibility requirements of the Queensland Government's Pensioner Remission Policy.

This amount is in addition to the State Government Pension Remission.

For more information about the State Government Pension Subsidy, visit

Please read the Rating Concession Policy to assess your eligibility. Please find the link to the Policy above, along with the link to Council’s rates forms.

Water Consumption Concessions

Customers are responsible for water consumed through their water meter and infrastructure within the property boundaries is the responsibility of the landowner. Regular monitoring of water consumed as recorded on the water meter, ensures water leaks are detected and is the responsibility of the owner. 

Council recognises leaks can occur and can go for long periods without being detected and cause financial difficulties. A reduction in water consumption may be permitted, should all conditions be met. 

Please read the Rating Concession Policy to assess your eligibility. Please find the link to the Policy above, along with the link to Council’s rates forms.

Home Dialysis Concession

A non-chargeable water allowance of up to 190KL per year may be granted to those patients on a home renal dialysis machine.

Please read the Rating Concession Policy to assess your eligibility. Please find the link to the Policy above, along with the link to Council’s rates forms.

Objection to Categorisation

A ratepayer may object to a land categorisation by filling in the form below. It needs to be received by Council within 30 days after the rate's notice having been issued.

Please consider the following:

  1. The only ground on which you may object is that, having regard to the criteria determined by Council for categorising rateable land, your land should have been included, as at the date of issue of the rate notice, in another of the categories specified in the Table of Land Categories.
  2. The giving of a notice of objection will not, in the meantime, affect the levy and recovery of the rates specified in the rate notice.
  3. If, because of objection made, your land is included in another category, as at the date of issue of the rate notice, an adjustment of rates will be made.

Access more information about Rates forms and Fact Sheets.

Refunds and Transfer of Monies 

Refunds of money, transfer of monies, or transfer of funds incorrectly processed by the ratepayer will not be charged a fee for their first incorrect payment however, this fee will be payable for any additional requests.

To access the Refund of Monies Form or the Transfer of Monies form.

Rural Road Post Addressing

If you need a rural road address post for a property, please complete the Rural Road Address Post Application Form, found under the Roads Forms section below: 

Council Forms – Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Rural Road Post Addressing - Frequently Asked Questions 

  • You can contact our Customer Service Team on 1300 763 903 to check whether you property is deemed to be Urban or Rural.

  • No, home owners are issued a number when the property has been developed. The display of house numbering in urban areas is up to the owner to arrange.

  • If your rural post has been damaged due to unforeseen circumstances, it is up to the property owner to pay for a replacement post or to seek compensation from the perpetrator.

  • Yes, however the number used has to be the official number issued by Council. It is advisable to get stickers made of reflective material for night vision

  • No, numbers are issued as per Australian Standard AS4819 – Rural and Urban Addressing.

  • The fee is made up of the cost of materials plus Council employee assessment and installation costs.

  • No, however in an emergency situation the emergency services would be able to easily locate your property, as the numbers are determined by the distance from the start of the road to the access.

  • You can contact Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) Communications Centre on 13 12 33 and register your property with them.


The Cassowary Coast Regional Council respects your privacy. Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Local Government Regulation 2012 and is used only by Council rates staff for the purpose of processing the details contained in this form and will not be disclosed to any other person or agency unless you have given your permission or Council is required to do so by law. You may apply to access this information on the appropriate form obtainable from Council Website at any time.

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